Keep Stepping

You know those times when you see God unfolding the most perfect plan before your eyes, but you just can’t make sense of it at all? You try to push, pull, and force every piece of the puzzle in to a place it doesn’t belong in an attempt to begin to understand. He doesn’t ask you to understand. He asks you to have faith–faith that He will meld all the brush strokes together at just the right time. Faith that He will create a masterpiece more beautiful than anything you could ever dream of.


God is good, and He wants an abundant joyful life for each of us. We just have to have faith. To follow Him. To take the steps that don’t always make sense, simply because they’re the steps He is leading us to. They are not always the steps to the outcome we desire, but they are always the way to what He has for us. I’ve walked in these steps many times–sometimes to exactly what I wanted; other times to things so much better than what I could have ever dreamed. Still other times, I have followed Him to right where I needed to be for that season, even though it wasn’t initially what I wanted at all.

I read this yesterday, and it was just perfect for seasons of the unknown:

Real faith isn’t a hopeful wish. Real faith is making the decision that no matter the outcome, we’ll choose to see it as God’s perfect answer.

Through the good. Through the not-so-good. And even through the down right awful- we will trust God. Now, this doesn’t mean we won’t cry and express hurt. But it does mean we’ve decided it’s better to have lived trying to take leaps of faith with God, than to walk away from Him.

Lysa TerKeurst via Proverbs 31 Ministries

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