While He’s Away

One of my biggest concerns about Mr. Gray’s trip to the Ukraine is being home without him for ten days. I don’t do well when he is not home. He is our protector, provider, and leader (note: not Protector, Provider, Leader). Our home is off balance without him. While I was making plans and trying not to dwell on it, God just took it from me.


Mr. Gray went with a team from Revolution to work in Moore Sunday through Tuesday–Annie got to go, too. While he was gone, I was able to sleep (albeit, I had the lights on, but I was out). This is unusual for me without him. I usually toss and turn, wake at noises, and am generally more tentative without him. Not this trip. We went about our days, had plenty of things to do to keep it from being monotonous, and got good rest. I have no other reservations.


I love seeing God bring about good from worldly situations. And, while it in no way minimizes the terrible results of the tornado that tore through Moore last week, it does help hearts. God completely prepared my heart for the great work He is going to do through Mr. Gray’s trip. Even though I will not actually be traveling (this time–I will be a go-er soon! Oh hey, Montreal, what comfort zone?) with Mr. Gray, his trip will change our family. We have been praying for God to use this trip to make an impact. I know He will.



  1. Mr. Gray sounds like a special servant of the Lord. He will strengthen you through these times and in order for your husband to take on all of this, he needs a powerful prayer partner at home…you can be that warrior for him while he does all of this great work for God!! have a wonderful Thursday!

  2. You and I are so much alike. When my hubs is gone (usually it's for ONE night) I can't sleep – and if I do, it's with every light in the house on.

    I am so glad God gave you the peace you needed!

  3. Thank you for sharing what God has on your heart right now. I definitely understand how you feel while the hubby is gone (it can be really hard without your partner by your side). He sounds like a very special person!

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