13.1 and Done!

Disclaimer: This is a long and totally self-centered post. Sorry.


Saturday’s packet pick up was the beginning of the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was pretty sure I was going to puke just thinking about running 13.1 miles the next morning. Mr. Gray did his best to pump me up, and the majority of me knew I was ready and would be fine. We were off to see Aunt Cookie for the evening, so that was a good distraction. 

On our way home, the encouraging texts started. Have I mentioned I have the best friends and family? 




We ate a late dinner and headed to bed plenty early. I did the math over and over to make sure my goal time was attainable. I even wrote it in the fog on the shower door. I was determined to come in under 2:45. I didn’t sleep well; I was nervous and antsy all night. I woke up right on time, though. We were out the door! 

Get Goin'

I did a stretch or two (I usually just run cold) and headed to the start line. My training pace had been about 12:30 (I never claimed to be fast), so I situated myself near the back of the starting line. 

Right out of the gate, God sent me a pace-coach of a gift named Nicole. Yep. Totally a God thing. Our strides synced, we shared stories and helped each other pass the time. It was the craziest thing. She didn’t have a goal time, but she was more than helpful in helping me achieve mine. 

Mr. Gray and Baby Gray were at the bottom of the last hill when Nicole and I topped it. 

First Shot

Running In

Running In

J, Mal, and Ella Bella were around the corner at the finish. 


Ella Bella

We turned the final corner and crossed the finish line just shy of 2:33! I started my arm coach as I crossed the starting line since I was to the back, but I forgot to stop it. Oops! Regardless, I came in under my goal time! Yay! I also kept my two standing goals: no walking and no finishing last!




Somehow I didn’t notice my arm vibrating like crazy, but I was met with tons more texts filled with encouragement once I checked my phone. 







Mr. Gray got lots of great photos of me stretching and looking super brain dead; while they’re not too lovely, they pretty much captured the moments following the race. 



Once I got it together, all I knew was that I wanted to eat, and that Mal didn’t make that sign by herself (have you seen her handwriting?).


I don’t normally like Cracker Barrel, but it was close and the wait wasn’t too long, so it worked for me. I loaded up on a ginormous plate of food before we headed home. 

I did a quick survey for battle wounds, but all I could find was a couple of black toes. 


I’ll take it! 

I felt pretty good when I got up this morning, but just to be sure I headed for a massage to ward off the second-day soreness that might wreak havoc on my Tuesday.

Then just to be sure I completed the whole half-marathon process, I donned the highlighter green Moe’s Better Half Marathon shirt today. Yep. I’m that girl. 


Will I run another one? I don’t know. I’m super impressed with myself after yesterday, though. I’d hate to ruin that.


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